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Raku Generations Guide

Sanyû VI (1685 ~ 1739)Sanyû VI (1685 ~ 1739)

Black Raku cylindrical tea bowl named “Hihi”, among a series 200 tea bowls by Sanyû, authenticated by Joshinsai, ex-collection of the Raku family
This is one of the series of 200 bowls produced by Sanyû in 1733, known as “Sanyû's 200”. Each bowl is stylistically varied and all were named by Joshinsai, the 7th head of Omote Senke school of tea, who also left the inscription on the box. It is one of the best examples representing “Sanyû's 200” tea bowls.
Red Raku tea bowl with a design of a rabbit, among a series of 200 tea bowls by Sanyû, authenticated by Joshinsai,ex-collection of the Raku family
Large and generous in form, the bowl bears a lively design of a rabbit in white slip on the front.  It is among “Sanyû's 200”.
Lobed mukôzuke dish with a peony design with kôro glaze,ex-collection of the Raku family
Raku mukôzuke dish is usually in either chrysanthemum flower shape or mokkogata, lobed shape. A carved peony pattern done by the trimming is typical of the Raku traditional style.
  • Black Raku tea bowl after “Amagumo” authenticated by Joshinsai
  • Red Raku tea bowl named “Tôri” authenticated by Sokuchûsai,ex-collection of the Raku family
  • Red Raku tea bowl named “Tafuku”,ex-collection of the Raku family
  • Red Raku incense container in the shape of Hakuzôsu, a fox disguised as an old monk authenticated by Joshinsai,ex-collection of the Raku family
  • Fushiki mizusashi, fresh water jar with an amber glaze,ex-collection of the Raku family
  • and others
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